As per the recent survey, it is known that Android has become one of the growing mobile platforms with over 70% users using the Android phones across the globe. Moreover, Android is supported by Google, and regular updating of the mobile OS takes place so that it could lead to more engagement of users and further smoothen the operation of mobiles. Furthermore, it runs across smart watches, tablets, TV, Automobiles, Android play to name a few. It is also very user-friendly and versatile which has made it quite a favorite among the crowd.
What are the advantages of android application development?
- Open source technology
The platform of Android is a purely open source which truly means you won’t have to worry about the cost of licensing or perhaps the royalty. Moreover, the developers can easily get in touch with the community of android developer and get certain advice, following which they can use practically them on their ongoing projects.
- Excellent User interface
User Interface plays a very vital role which can potentially make or break your application. Android application can be easily managed and customized. Google can also very well help you to customize the user interface which can help the developers further create a custom android application for the organization. Furthermore, you would get a wide range of customization options and even the multimedia tools, and management can be updated to the application.
- High ROI on a low investment
Android has apparently very low difficulty in the entry. It comes up with the SDK that is available free of cost which can potentially lower down the cost of development. Moreover, the cost of development of application can be divided into three categories, i.e., development, testing, and deployment. Thus, the developers would only have to pay one time fees for the distribution of an android application. After that, they can grasp any computer device and further test the product on their smartphone, thus ensuring that there is a very low investment and perhaps increase in engagement. Using this, users get to witness an interactive app, whereas an organization attains great value for money.
- Adaptation is Easy
Android application is developed using the Java programming language which is perhaps loaded with a wide set of libraries. Any developer who has hands-on experience in Java can easily build the android applications. As per the recent survey, it has been seen that many Java experts find it easy to build an android application as compared to programmers who have command over other languages.
- Various sales channels
With respect to other mobile platforms, you can easily deploy the android applications using various ways. Furthermore, you won’t have to rely on a particular market to circulate your built application. Apart from using the Google Play store and other marketplaces, you can also create your sales and distribution channels. With your convenience of promotional strategy, you can reach out to millions of users through the help of multiple channels.